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An inclusive Episcopal community practicing the way of Jesus by loving our neighbors, striving for justice, growing spiritually, and celebrating in word, music, and art.
An inclusive Episcopal community practicing the way of Jesus by loving our neighbors, striving for justice, growing spiritually, and celebrating in word, music, and art.


“It is right to give God thanks and praise.”

We offer time-honored Episcopal worship, but you'll find us incorporating a variety of traditions. In fact, in back-to-back visits you may encounter a service of contemplative silence, or an energetic service of gospel music, or a service of traditional classical fare. We'd love to give you the opportunity to use your
musical gifts!

Learn more on our
Members page about last-minute schedule changes due to weather or health emergencies. Online worship is available on our YouTube channel. New worship service recordings are usually available Sunday afternoons.

Please see our
Grow page for educational opportunities.

Sunday Morning Worship

10AM Holy Eucharist

Jesus is present with us each time we gather to remember him and give thanks by: proclaiming God’s Word, sharing the Lord’s Supper, singing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs, and by praying for the church, the world, and for one another.

Your children are welcome to sit with you during the service, or they may participate in any of the programs listed below.

Please see our
Members page for dates and times of Christmas or Holy Week events.


Childcare Room
(Upstairs) is available for children (ages birth to 5).
Beginning at 9:15 AM through the passing of the Peace.
During the Forum 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM.

Godly Play
Godly Play takes place on the second floor of our building from 9AM until 9:50AM each Sunday morning during our program year. This program uses Biblical storytelling with Montessori-like hands-on activities.

The Pray Ground
(Worship Space) Is available for anyone from birth to 100 during Worship.
The Pray Ground welcomes people who want some extra space to wiggle and age-appropriate resources for worship. Parents, if your child is in the Pray Ground, please be active in helping them join in worship, using prayerful voices and movements!

For additional information view our Sunday morning emails or contact
Sheila Foster, Director of Community Involvement at or 612-272-6952.

Healing Services

Sunday Morning Healing Prayer: 10AM, each Sunday
During communion at Sunday worship (in the side chapel), the healing team offers healing prayers with laying on of hands and anointing with oil, if desired. The healing team can pray for a specific concern or give a general prayer for health and well-being. The healing prayer team is also available in this area immediately following the service for more in depth discussion of concerns and for longer prayer times. We are also available by appointment.

Monthly Healing Prayer Service: Second Tuesdays, 7-8PM
Every Christian has wrestled with how to pray for themselves or others suffering from illness. We long to witness healing such as Christ and his disciples performed. The healing prayer ministry can help us as we navigate difficult times of our lives and search for God’s peace and love. Come pray for God’s healing love at this ecumenical worship service. This intimate service includes scripture readings, communion, hymns and time for individual healing prayers. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.

Healing prayer is simply bringing our needs to God through prayer and expectantly watching for the Holy to respond. We believe in seeking healing through all methods provided by God including traditional medicine, complementary medicine, therapy, pastoral counseling, AA groups, etc. We also believe that through prayer God performs amazing healing of body, mind and spirit. We pray for all manner of needs: healing of pain (e.g. arthritis, injury), healing of relationships, healing of destructive behaviors, healing of minor or serious medical conditions, healing of past memories or abusive relationships, general blessings for work and family, guidance on life changes, etc. We have witnessed many healings of body, mind and spirit through the grace and healing power of God. If you would like to learn more about healing prayer, please contact

Centering Prayer Group

Wednesdays at 5:30PM
Centering Prayer is a movement beyond conversation with God, to communion with God. It is a deepening of faith in God's abiding presence; of resting in God beyond thoughts, words and emotions. Join us on Wednesdays at 5:30PM to practice together. No experience necessary! Come to the 46th Street door and ring the church doorbell by 5:30 to join in.

The meeting includes two 20 minute sessions of Centering Prayer, with an opportunity to leave after the first 20 minutes, if desired. We meet in the worship space of the church during the summer.

Taizé Prayer

First Friday Taizé Prayer: 7PM, first Friday of each month (no Taizé service in July, August or January)

Since 1998, First Friday Taizé Prayer has attracted hundreds of pilgrims from throughout the Twin Cities metro and beyond. It is a time of contemplative prayer and meditation in the style of the ecumenical Taizé Community in France. Lasting only 45-50 minutes, it is a wonderful way to end your week and begin your month.

The form of this service is quite simple: 1) Songs and Silences, 2) Scripture Reading and Meditation, 3) Great Silence, 4) Closing Prayer and Song.

Read more about the Taizé community in France or watch a ten-minute video about it.

Join Us!

Sunday Morning Worship

Taizé Prayer Service
7PM, first Friday of most months

Healing Prayer Service
7PM, second Tuesday of each month
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Grace Episcopal Church
4557 Colfax Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55419
Phone: 612-524-9180

Our parking lot is located on the NE corner of 46th & Bryant Ave.